Thursday, March 22, 2012

Garden Mistakes

I planted my asparagus in 2009, and I thought I'd be flush with it by now. I also thought it would be a good idea to let my strawberries grow among the asparagus. There could be other issues, such as shade from the summer vegetable gardens (but the ferns get huge, so it's not just that) or lack of nutrients, but I think the competition from the strawberries is the main problem. I may as well let the strawberries go this spring, but then I will remove them from the bed and see if I get a real asparagus harvest next year.
And here's how to prevent a mistake: planting a mint family plant in the ground. If you do, it will take over, so choose a pot.


  1. I just finally moved my mint to a pot. I'm hoping it isn't too late. My strawberries are a mess. We let the weeds grow every year, and the plants have produced less and less. This year, I want to plant some fresh plants, but I'm not sure where to get them. I bet you could transplant the strawberries by digging them up, as the asparagus is rooted much lower in the ground. Good luck! - Allison

    1. I need a system for keeping track of which strawberries are first year, etc., but it is so muhc easier to just let them spread and sort it out later. Good luck to you, too--I found cramming straw among them really helps with the weeds.
