Saturday, October 23, 2010

October vegetables

I'm not giving up on this eggplant yet, but I really need to pull the remaining peppers and tomatoes. I'm not sure if the lima beans will keep producing as the weather cools and the days get shorter, but there are plenty of blooms. The okra does not seem to be giving up, but it is time to accept summer is over. I said this would not happen again, but here I am not getting the most out of fall plantings because of summer holdouts. The arugula and spinach seem to be surviving the birds' and squirrels' destruction, and the mystery Brassica (I mixed up my kale, collard, broccoli, and brussels sprouts seedlings) are withstanding the cabbage caterpillars. The fava beans are already blooming--hopefully giving us lots of beans as well as being an excellent winter cover crop. Soon I'll be putting the greenhouse covers together and finally felling the okra forest.

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