Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lite Blight and other conundrums

With all of the rain we had this spring, it was bound to happen--my tomatoes have a blight. But it is not a death sentence--the Master Gardeners at the Clarendon Farmers' Market took a look at my clippings and just recommended removing the affected leaves and using mulch to prevent soil from splashing the leaves. That was a relief, as I keep reading about a different blight, late blight (of Irish Potato Famine infamy) affecting tomatoes.
But with the good news comes bad--I refused to pull my first tomato before it was fully ripe. But the bird did not wait:

Another disappointment has been my carrots, which were mostly puny. It was harvest time, so I am guessing I have a soil deficiency. My raised bed soil should have been the right consistency, so maybe I did not mix the topsoil and compost well enough, maybe it was too nitrogen heavy for the carrots. The cool weather should have been a plus, and I saw no signs of pests, so I guess it is time to get real about soil testing.

Dave's Garden describes some carrots that do well in heavy soils.

1 comment:

  1. Those are true shames... Almost worse than having plants die is not getting a harvest despite having healthy, productive plants. I'm running into a similar problem with my tomatoes--I'm waiting desperately for them to decide to flower, but they just tease me and say "Ha, you shouldn't have fertilized us with so much nitrogen!" and they take off with more vegetative growth. I keep them at seven feet tall. At some point, they will flower, I know this.

    Lesson learned. Next year, less nitrogen!
