Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fall flowers

...and foliage:


Dahlia with purple grass in background

the hydrangeas take on a reddish hue when they dry
Calendula and nasturtium

native honeysuckle



Mexican sunflower

Dahlia, Pieris, and Japanese Maple

...and flowers to come (Camelia buds):

Fall harvest

I am collecting green tomato recipes just in case.

The lima bean pods are slow to fill.

I thought eggplant was a summer crop, but mine did not thrive until September.

Friday, September 18, 2009


They smell amazing!

Winding Up for Fall

The garden has been in such a static state, I am actually looking forward to fall. The dozens of green tomatoes are starting to show some color, despite the cool weather we're having. The eggplants are still growing. But I am getting anxious--I am ready to rip stuff out and plant kale and collards. I just hope the peppers that finally started producing have time to mature.

Lots of limas. I pick, shell, and freeze one at a time.
My third raised bed--the one with a plastic cold frame--has seedlings! There is cauliflower, beets, and parsnips, with leeks and mesclun interspersed throughout.
It doesn't look like much now: